It’s possible to graduate college without debt - learn how.
With the average private college student graduating with $40,904 of school debt and the cost of living always increasing, it makes sense why fewer and fewer students are going to college. But it is possible to graduate without debt.
Since its inception, no student from the Institute for G.O.D. has graduated with college debt.
How do our graduates have zero college debt?
Functional Tuition Rates
Our tuition rates are based on the actual operations of the program and not the aesthetics of the environment. Although our campus is beautiful, we’re not building pillars with your tuition dollars. We believe a biblical education is a worthy investment and running a quality program requires resources, but we do not pass any superfluous costs to you.
In addition to our awards for academic excellence and needs-based scholarships, we offer Ministry Practicum Scholarships. Scholarships include areas like athletic programming, youth ministry, music, K-12 education, sustainable agriculture, media tech, bilingual services, and much more.
2. Scholarships for Every Student
Because Global Outreach Developments International believes so deeply in the quality biblical education at The Institute, every student accepted into our program is given a substantial scholarship, lowering the overall cost.
Practicums enable students to engage in regular, practical ministry opportunities while lowering their overall bill. Students receive mentorship and professional feedback from experts, often Institute alumni. By the time they graduate, they have a record of experience and performance to bolster their resume.
3. Additional Scholarships to Celebrate Your Giftedness
We recognize that every student is uniquely created and gifted by God, so we enjoy celebrating that diversity in our students! Even beyond academic awards, students can earn Ministry Practicum Scholarships in the areas of K-12 education, youth ministry, music, athletic programming, media tech services, sustainable agriculture, early childhood education, culture, and language liaison for community services, and more. These skills are honored through a financial gift (scholarship) and honed through the regular use of those gifts in our college community. (If you're a great singer, we want to hear it during our weekly chapels!)
Nyumbarista Cafe is our on-campus coffee shop and is one of many places where Institute students can work.
4. Guaranteed Job Offer
Every on-campus Institute student is guaranteed a job. They can apply to work at a coffee shop, as a server for an events and staffing agency, at a media company, a health clinic, a child care center, a construction company, and several other options connected to our business partners. These employers understand our college mission and give flexible, well-paying jobs to Institute students prioritizing a biblical education with possibilities for career advancement in those respective businesses after graduation.
5. Student Loans
Finally, loans without financial counseling can burden students for years. However, loans can also be a helpful way to succeed in school while having a clear plan to pay them back in a reasonable amount of time (like before you even graduate). We will help you assess your particular financial circumstance, walk you through our debt-prevention model (scholarships + working while in school), and offer financial counseling, so you can join our wonderful statistic of graduating without college debt.
The Bible says we should "owe nothing to anyone but to love one another" (Romans 13:8). That's our goal for our students. It takes hard work, discipline, and responsibility, but it feels so good to owe nothing to anyone and be free to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:13) -- the goal of Christian education!